Monday, April 28, 2014

April: Week5

Last week:
-Contact my visiting teaching partner and follow up if she had a chance to contact our people, or if we still need to do that.  Called her but she never got back to me.
-Prepare Primary lesson. Try to do that on Thursday.  Did get this done earlier in the week than normal. 
-Have the kids recite the Primary scripture 5 times this week.  Forgot about this until last minute, so we recited it a bunch on the drive to church. Maddie got it memorized and Clark is really close!

-Buy and fertilize lawn. It is finally time! -Bought it! Just need to apply.
-Gather sticks in yard. Clean up from winter.
-Hoping Saturday to clean out the garage. I think the weather will cooperate. BEST accomplishment of the week!
-Vacuum out the car from our road trip.
-Do a ten minute pick up at night, even though I am super tired. It doesn't take long and makes such a big difference in the morning and my attitude. -Tried to do this and I got some days and missed some.

-Plan the summer schedule! Including vacations (camping, Boise, Ohio), activities (baseball, t-ball, basketball camp, Maddie, swim lessons) and day trips/things we want to do close (nature center, zoo, etc).  Getting close on most all of the details. I hate schedule planning. :(
Call babysitters for Fri and Sat. Three dates this week! (We are also going out tonight.) Wahoo!  Had lots of fun.

-Fix Clark's blanket. It is in shreds but he won't give it up yet.

-Run 12 min per day, 5 times this week. I am running a 5K at the end of May and really need to built up my endurance. Probably only got 4 days but close enough.

This week:
Pick a day to go to the temple in May. 
Learn one more hymn on the piano. Thinking "Come, Come Ye Saints"
Attend RS Temple fireside on Fri night

Clean out some files on the computer. trying to Spring clean the machine.
Dust the inside of the computer.
Sort 6 months of 2012 pictures- picking best/favorite shots to print into a book.

Plan a budget of upcoming "wants" purchases.
Redo monthly budget.
Get Maddie a new swimsuit. She needs one by Wednesday. 
Inventory kid clothes and assess spring clothing needs. 

Find a craft to make. I know that isn't very specific, but I am not sure what I want to make, just something.
Sign up for Lightroom class.

Run 15 min per day 4 times this week. 

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! You did a lot last week. I'm proud of you. You are inspiring me. I have been feeling in a bit of a slump lately. So thanks for the inspiration. I'll see if I can use it to update my goals. New month!
