Monday, May 5, 2014

Recap of last week

Last week:
Pick a day to go to the temple in May. Between two days. 
Learn one more hymn on the piano. Thinking "Come, Come Ye Saints" Started
Attend RS Temple fireside on Fri night

Clean out some files on the computer. trying to Spring clean the machine.
Dust the inside of the computer.
Sort 6 months of 2012 pictures- picking best/favorite shots to print into a book. Got through 4 months.

Plan a budget of upcoming "wants" purchases.
Redo monthly budget.
Get Maddie a new swimsuit. She needs one by Wednesday. 
Inventory kid clothes and assess spring clothing needs. 

Find a craft to make. I know that isn't very specific, but I am not sure what I want to make, just something.
Sign up for Lightroom class.

Run 15 min per day 4 times this week. 

Not feeling very motivated this week...

-Working on potty training Ilah. This is just turning out to be a battle of wills. She has not gone on the potty yet and I refuse to put her in a diaper. Good thing there is a lot of paper towels.
-Doing a new budget. Well same budget, more accountability. 
-Keep training for 5K.
The end.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Goals

April Review:
-Do visiting teaching.
-Watch conference. Check!
-Find primary sub. Check!
-Help kids memorize the monthly Primary scripture: The Family: A Proclamation to the World – “Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and. . . the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children” Check!

-Clean out the garage.  We have been waiting for warmer weather, so this should be the month. I am hopeful next Saturday will be warm enough.Check! So nice to have this done!
-Continue work on my Holiday Binder. Tabs are created, now I need to label and put a sheet of paper in each section where I can begin to put ideas. Didn't do a thing.
-Buy a pack of poster board. I have chosen a color pallet for the house, now I plan on painting a big poster board- like a big paint chip I can move around the room to make sure I like. Check!
-Buy ceiling paint and paint the ceiling in the living and dining room white. Check!
-Begin yard work! Fertilize lawn, prune bushes, etc. Still waiting for spring....

-Take Lightroom class. Trying to decide if this is a good idea since we will be on vacation for Spring Break or if I should wait until May? Trying for May...
-Take an organ lesson from Sherri. Check!
-Build small garden box and plant peas. :( Not done. Probably won't get peas but putting this on May goals...
-Hem one pair of pants! Probably should stop putting this on my list...

-Exercise 5x per week. I'm training for a 5K at the end of May,  so I am trying to increase my running endurance.  Mostly check. I am not running everyday, but I am building up my endurance. 
-Eat less refined sugar. I had a successful no sugar week, but need to create a "Do Not Eat" list of stuff that doesn't make me feel good. Even though it doesn't make me feel good, it is still tough to eliminate. So hard. Doing well on some aspects and NOT at all on others. Also the goal was too vague and not specific enough.


Do visiting teaching.
Go to the temple. 
Help kids memorize the primary scripture. 2 Peter 3:2 "Be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets"
Attend RS temple fireside.
Address reverence in my primary class.

Focus on the budget. We have changed our financial priorities and my goal is to have a greater focus on detail and recording purchases with a weekly meeting with D.
Paint the living/dining room. 
Yard work: pick up all twigs/sticks and take them to dump, mulch, plant flower pot? (maybe should wait until June...)
Build garden box. 
Clean off tool bench in garage.
Sweep/vacuum out basement.

Make a more focused effort on dinner conversation. Create a topic list- safety (water, stranger, fire, gun, crowded places, what to do if lost, etc), courage, honesty, etiquette, ethical questions, etc
Plan the summer: camping trips, vacations, routines, daily boredom list. Get kids to input.

Take Lightroom class.
Learn 3-4 new piano songs.

Run 4-5 times a week.
Run a 5K on May 24th.

I'll review this week on Monday.