Monday, April 21, 2014

April: Week 4

No review from last week since I didn't set any goals. I did have an organ lesson from Sherri while we were gone, so that was great!

-Contact my visiting teaching partner and follow up if she had a chance to contact our people, or if we still need to do that. 
-Prepare Primary lesson. Try to do that on Thursday.
-Have the kids recite the Primary scripture 5 times this week.

-Buy and fertilize lawn. It is finally time!
-Gather sticks in yard. Clean up from winter.
-Hoping Saturday to clean out the garage. I think the weather will cooperate.
-Vacuum out the car from our road trip.
-Do a ten minute pick up at night, even though I am super tired. It doesn't take long and makes such a big difference in the morning and my attitude.

-Plan the summer schedule! Including vacations (camping, Boise, Ohio), activities (baseball, t-ball, basketball camp, Maddie, swim lessons) and day trips/things we want to do close (nature center, zoo, etc).
Call babysitters for Fri and Sat. Three dates this week! (We are also going out tonight.) Wahoo!

-Fix Clark's blanket. It is in shreds but he won't give it up yet.

-Run 12 min per day, 5 times this week. I am running a 5K at the end of May and really need to built up my endurance.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome goals! I also took a break last week from setting any goals. (Maybe I was influenced by the fact you were gone? :)

    Three dates this week? Lucky.

    Hopefully Clark's blanket will hold on. Both Katie and Rachel still have their blanket. Halle never really attached herself to one.
