Monday, March 31, 2014


March review:

Contact visiting teaching people- hopefully visit.

Inventory food storage I did actually begin this. Overwhelming right now because I feel like there is so much to do, but starting feels good.
Finish meal idea list

Learn another song on the piano. Primary song #103 Baptism.
Hem all of Dave's billion pants that are sitting in a pile unhemmed.

Exercise 5 times per week
Go to bed early


-Do visiting teaching.
-Watch conference.
-Find primary sub.
-Help kids memorize the monthly Primary scripture: The Family: A Proclamation to the World – “Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and. . . the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children”

-Clean out the garage.  We have been waiting for warmer weather, so this should be the month. I am hopeful next Saturday will be warm enough.
-Continue work on my Holiday Binder. Tabs are created, now I need to label and put a sheet of paper in each section where I can begin to put ideas.
-Buy a pack of poster board. I have chosen a color pallet for the house, now I plan on painting a big poster board- like a big paint chip I can move around the room to make sure I like.
-Buy ceiling paint and paint the ceiling in the living and dining room white.
-Begin yard work! Fertilize lawn, prune bushes, etc.

-Take Lightroom class. Trying to decide if this is a good idea since we will be on vacation for Spring Break or if I should wait until May?
-Take an organ lesson from Sherri.
-Build small garden box and plant peas. 
-Hem one pair of pants!

-Exercise 5x per week. I'm training for a 5K at the end of May,  so I am trying to increase my running endurance. 
-Eat less refined sugar. I had a successful no sugar week, but need to create a "Do Not Eat" list of stuff that doesn't make me feel good. Even though it doesn't make me feel good, it is still tough to eliminate. 

This week: 
Report VT. Call partner to know when she is available this month.
Find primary sub.

Buy ceiling paint and poster board. Paint the board.

Decide on class.
Build garden box.
Hem a pair of pants.

I am definitely feeling more motivated this month. I am sure this is because of the weather- it was a nicer weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of a poster board paint chip to check out the color in different areas. It is funny that we know foods that don't make us feel good, but we still want to eat them. What's that about? I do it too. I just read a post on eating in France and it was saying that they do not eat outside designated meal times--except occasionally a small snack in the afternoon. It was interesting.
